Milling Division
Foods Botswana Milling operates a factory in Serowe from which it mills and produces sorghum, soya and maize - based products, malt and diastatic malt. Its main activity is the provision of enriched meals for the Government feeding schemes but also manufactures a variety of its own branded products. The Company is focusing on developing these products and is increasingly winning market share.
The products currently produced by this Company include:
- Sarona Samp
- Sechaba Mabele
- Soya Sorghum enriched Foods (Malutu) for all age groups above 3 years
- Soya Sorghum Weaning Food (Tsabana) for infants up to 3 years
- Tholo Malt
- Tsabotlhe (soya sorghum extruded product)
- Maatla (enriched maize meal product)
We pride ourselves on the production of our well established, nationally renowned products made for Botswana, by Batswana. Protecting the position of our local - flavour house brands is a continuous management process with our resources constantly focused on developing our products and improving quality.