Sefalana Holding Company Limited enhances the decisionmaking of its Board by ensuring that the Board of Directors comprises a balance of power. The majority of the Board members are Non - Executive Directors, and are independent. This ensures that no one individual or block of individuals dominate the Board’s decision - thereby promoting objectivity. Non - Executive Directors bring objective judgement and experience to the deliberations of the Board.
The Board of Sefalana Holding Company Limited comprises astute individuals of different backgrounds, experience and qualifications. Having a Board with diverse perspectives is critical to its decision-making as it brings objective judgement and experience to the deliberations carried out.
The Board of Sefalana promotes gender diversity at Board level. The Board has set a target of achieving a minimum of at least one third of board seats to female Non Executive Directors. Currently 75% of Non-Executive Directors are female.
The Board provides leadership for the Group, directly and through properly constituted Board Committees. Leadership is also excised through the delegated authority to the Group Managing Director. This brings an independent judgement on all strategic matters.
The Board has in place a Board Charter to clarify roles of the Board and to enhance its decision-making processes. The purpose of the Board Charter is to clearly outline the structure of the Board and to define its role, focusing on strategic leadership, performance management, investor relations, risk management and governance. The Board Charter also outlines fiduciary duties of Directors according to Section 130 of the Companies Act and as recommended by King IV. The Board reviews the Charter annually to ensure that it is in line with recent changes in the law and standards of governance practice.
The Board delegates certain functions to well - structured Committees without relinquishing its own responsibilities. The Committees constitute an integral part of the governance process and are established with clearly defined formal terms of reference. In order to keep up to date with any recent changes in the law and governance principles, the terms of reference are reviewed and approved annually.